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Use our pe foam for warm-ups to avoid the risk of injury

Edit:http://chinaixpe.com/   Browse:   Date:2015-11-11

When it comes to strength training and a variety of sports, coaches often think of their warm-ups as training preparation—using techniques such as our pe foam rolling and movement practice to get the gears aligned.

This popular warm-up approach gets all the joints moving one at a time, then all together, taking the body through progressive movements that loosen and stretch your muscles. Classic dynamic moves include walking lunges, toe touches, and high knees.

We perform optimally and better avoid injury after a warm-up that does what its name promises: warm us up. And while a marathoner doesn't warm up like a powerlifter (the same way an opera singer doesn't warm up like a modern dancer), there could be some similarities.

For endurance or cardio routines, research shows a dynamic approach, including dynamic stretching—active range of motion movements that tend to be similar to what you'll do in your workout, can improve performance. Some experts even suggest performing a few short intervals of the planned exercise at a lower intensity (for example: brisk walking before running, or bodyweight squats before adding weight).

As for static stretching, leave it for the cool-down. Numerous studies have shown that it can hinder performance and increase the risk of injury.


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